Monday, November 26, 2007


Hey there! First off, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy and I am a married father of two young children with a third expected at the end of January. My current occupation is that of an Electronics Technician with the company that developed HD Radio. I'm sure you've heard of it if you are in the continential US and live anywhere near a city with FM radio stations and with the holiday season here, you should be innundated with it.

I won't bore you with too many other details, but there is one thing that I would love to share with you.

I am a writer...Well, more like an aspiring writer. I currently have this crazy dream of writing a Sci-Fi/Fantasy trilogy or more...with the more depending on how well my first series is received. You see, I am a bit of a role-playing geek. I grew up playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, Rifts, and Mechwarrior. I am also involved with several forum style RP scenarios which started me on this path.

I tend to be very thourough with my characters. I enjoy creating a rich history and a complete background story to include why they do what they do, who they are, and such. You might call this overkill, but I feel that it adds deeply to the enjoyment of the game, allowing me to completely immerse myself into the character.

I have also written a couple of short stories that were along the lines of fan fiction. Nothing special there, but they were received rather well and I got plenty of positive feedback from them. This gave me a little confidence and just recently, I started this ambitious project.

I can't share too many details about it just yet as it is still in the creation stage and I am a bit protective of it. There are only a handful of people that know the story and I wish to keep it this way. Once I am further along and near completion of it, I will start to share it with you.

Please check back frequently. I will keep you all informed of my progress and share some information with you. Thanks and wish me luck!

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