Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Progress...At last!

Well, I've resumed the work. Since my last post, I've cranked out roughly three chapters, translating into roughly fifteen pages of work. At present, figure to be nearing the 60-65% range. Things are flowing into the heart of the story and pieces are all being linked together.

It's a bit easier since I purchased a laptop and have the ability to work on it at any place of my choosing.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ground to a halt

Well, looooooooong time, no talk.

Little progress has been made in the past six months, which frankly sucks. I've really wanted to continue working on it, but life has been incredibly hectic.

My wife gave birth to our third child in January. A healthy 9 lb, 11 ounce boy named Andrew. He was delivered by C-Section, which laid my wife up for a few weeks, requiring me to attend to most daily matters, sucking up whatever time I may have had. So, no work done there.

March, it was discovered that my wife had a hernia which required surgery to correct. It was to be a simple procedure, not requiring a hospital stay.

Little did I know that it was one of the most painful procedures that one can go through. They pierced her abdomen in several places, inflated her like a balloon, patched it up, and let her go. Recovery was to only take a few days...But something wasn't right.

Days turned into weeks. She was physically incapacitated for more than three weeks while she recovered. Every slight movement caused her intense pain. This took more time away from the writing.

Anyway, here it is July and I've written only one chapter since I last spoke to you. I hope to change that. My schedule is now free...No other activities other than work and the daily grind. And now I have a laptop with a word processor. YAY!

I will resume work on it shortly. I am pleased with what I have so far and hope to be done before the holidays.